Monday, January 22, 2007

The Rs. 4,41,25,000 Question #2

The second in series of questions which humankind (I don't want feminists on my case) has tried to puzzle out for ages (or at least, since when hostels were invented):

After a survey of a lot of horror series as well as movies, we have realised that one thing is always taken for granted. But, here at Aerie Institute, we always question all the premises:

Why do all urban ghosts (male and female) congregate in ladies hostels?

This phenomenon may have something to do with the fact that the extraordinary happenings, like restroom doors locking themselves, sometime forcing the occupant to "rest" inside until released, or your entire luggage being shifted to corridor are taken for granted in the boys' hostel (whoever said boys will be boys, may be right). It also may have something to do with the fact that the chattering and giggles and squeals (after sighting a crawler) in ladies hostel make many a supernaturalkind feel at home. This may also have to do with the ghosts' innate desire to get maximum scares for minimum efforts.

But, a lot of research is being carried out in the institute currently, which may suggest that the ghosts' habit to walk through the doors and walls, and not knocking unless they want to scare someone may have something to do with this.

Not totally related, but showing the difference in genders, is an incident which took place some years back.

We, the classmates of third year engineering had gone on a tour. One day (or one night, to be specific), some of us decided to keep awake for the whole night as we had booked a bus for early next morning (and I mean around 5 am by early). Naturally, after sitting for some time outside our rooms, the subject turned to ghosts. One fellow told a nice little story about a ghost near their house which stands on a bridge and asks the passersby for matches to light his cigarette.

One or two stories later, there was a slight lull in conversation as many of us were thinking that keeping awake is such a chore, when we spotted a person striding towards us. He stepped closer, and asked, "maachis hai kya?" ("do you have matches?"). After a minute of silence all the boys started guffawing and one girl was almost reduced to tears by fear, while the unfazed seeker had to wait for a lot of time for one of us to calm down enough to enlighten him that his quest was not ended.

- For I am The Great Eagle...

P.S. For the start of series, read this, which is one of the most commented upon posts in this blog's history. Also, if you are wondering about the changes in title, that's because the exchange rates have changed.


SeePearrl said...

lolz funny!

I ve never stayed in a hostel so i dont know :D

Keshi said...

cos ladies r adorable..even ghosts know that LOL!


SiD said...

hahaha... nice post.. ur machis story reminded me of similar incidents experienced...:)
being in a ladies hostel is may be a dream for guys... so in a way, it is guys fulfilling their dreams albeit in the after life!!!

Amey said...

@White Forest: You must have heard some stories from your friends. As I said, my research is fully based on movies/TV serials/stories I heard from hostelite friends.

@Keshi: Adorable? Yes... I agree...

@Sid: Gives a whole new meaning to "unfulfilled wishes" thingie ghosts are supposed to have, doesn't it? ;)

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