Monday, January 15, 2007

Spelling Boos

A flag on 15th Aug 1947 saw to it that I do not need to declare a war on English Queen. That does not mean that I have a war on with Queen's English, but there are some skirmishes between us once in a while (and don't think that the irony that I am posting this in English has escaped me.)

The first time we crossed swords was one morning in my 10th std when I realised that I cannot spell the word "beautiful" correctly any more. Now, those were the days we used to write using a paper and pen, and spell-checker meant our teacher (or my mom). After seeing many bleeding (red) wounds on my paper due to the misspelled word, I made a habit of saying "B-E-A-utiful" every time I have to write that word. A strategy which is yet to fail... and the battle was behind me.

The latest one in the line is "apparently". Now, I had a fleeting notion that "E" is the most prolific letter (and of course, vowel) in English language. Apparently, this word goes against the rules. And the only strategy I can come up with to win this battle is to think that the word is not English at all, but an alien from some South Indian state.

And for all those who think I am raving, I know the word does not contain enough "H"s to qualify as a South Indian word. But can anybody really tell me that the word which is made up of "Appa" and "Rently" (maybe pronounced as "Rentle" with a drawn out "e") does not remind them of something they heard while eating idli-sambhar or rice bath (don't even ask)?

Yes, I am pretty much sure I have this battle in bag.

P.S. While we are on the subject, can I please ask all of the readers to sign a petition asking all our Bollywood people to stop misspelling names in the name of numerology? I have enough battles on my own without adding "Bigg/Big" and "Preiti/Priti" to them.

- For I am The Great Eagle...


ketki said...

ah english! its such a crazy language!

Amey said...

@Nikichan: What else can you call the marks made by red pens on our paper? :(
Now you know, you are not alone.

@Ketki: The alternate title for this post was "Crazy kiya re..." ;)

Keshi said...


LOL so true!


Cuckoo said...

LOllll @crazy kiya re...

Well, I too had difficulty for "beautiful" but not for "apparently". I think it is simple.

Other difficult words....can't think of any...probably I don't know any. :P

Amey said...

@Keshi: Numerology is going to play havoc with my english... Why do they have to change simple spellings to read something entirely different, I don't know.

@Cuckoo: I guess everything is simple when you are "cuckoo", right?

Keshi said...

hehe good one as usual :)


Amey said...

@Keshi: Thanks....