Friday, September 01, 2006

For All Single Guys

In my endless search for perfect dating techniques (not to mention a date), I came across this great video. I loved it, because to paraphrase Joey, "what's not to like in that? Subject, good... Narration (aka tips)... Good... Rowan Atkinson... GOOD..."

Oh and by the way, any other tips are always welcome. [Of course, they don't mention anything about coffee, but that would be I guess in next lecture ;)]

P.S. Yes, chalk me up as another fan of YouTube.


Cuckoo said...

Ha Ha Ha ..lovely, hillarious, just too good...

Dil mange more :))

Anonymous said...

It is very amusing. Unforunately my video keeps halting every two minutes I don't know for what reason. One's fate with first date is indeed a matter of debate.

Amey said...

@Cuckoo: Sure will put more info as I come across it. After all, I live to enlighten my fellow humans ;)
But the condition is, you should tell what is correct and what is wrong in this...

@Hiren: Alliteration? That was really great.
Any tips to share?

Keshi said...

gotta watch this video from home. So let me comment on that later on.

U want dating tips?

Take her out for coffee lol!


SiD said...

hahahaha.. nice guide to dating...:)

Amey said...

@Keshi: Out for coffee on first date is... ahem... And did you watch the video?

@Sid: The video was actually made doubly hilarious by Actinson's.. I mean Atkinson's acting. And any more tips welcome...