Friday, September 15, 2006

Associative Learning

One more recipe (or non-recipe if you would)...

Egg Fried Rice

Ingredients: Some eggs, Rice, Vegetables, any spices you want.

How not to make it:
DON'T add all the stuff together in a bowl and just put it in microwave. You will need to make the egg fry in a different pan, and rice in different bowl and add them together.

Now, my biology professor tells me, that by a process called "Associative Learning", I will next time (if I want to survive) be less lazy in cooking something new. And I will know that not all my new recipes work (unlike the famous Coffee-icecream).

But, let me tell you that Associative Learning doesn't survives first contact with nature. After lugging a bag full of folders, a laptop and a jacket around for 2 cloudy (and hot) days, I finally decide to lighten the load, and keep the jacket (which is in way every time I need to get anything out of my bag) home. Now, that's a classic example of Associative Learning, and adaption at large.

Result? You must have guessed it by now. The same as my eggs and rice fried together...


Cuckoo said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha...

I can't imagine you being so dumb! :P

Rice and eggs together?? LOLLLLLLLL
Have you ever tried Maggi with sausages? Tastes yummy.

Amey said...

@Cuckoo: Oh no, that was all part of my being a pioneer and stuff. I was trying to invent a method to save time and save water (from pan-washing)... No dumbness, just laziness, if you will.

@Nikichan: Spices I was talking about? Red chilli powder mainly, and some "masalas" for flavor.
It wasn't too cold. But it rained for the whole day, and I was completely drenched by the time I got home...

Keshi said...

ur making me hungry now...


Amey said...

@Nikichan: Go ahead... Try "sabji masala" and "chhole masala" if you can get them...

@Keshi: Hungry kya? Try these recipis then ;)

Keshi said...



Amey said...

@Keshi: What's up with one word comments?