Thursday, June 07, 2007

Fount of Knowledge Part VI.V

a.k.a. From A Kid's Mouth

We all have heard the phrase, "Laugh and the world laughs with you".

I found out recently that kids have their own version of this:

"You are not being polite. You didn't laugh when I laughed just now."


Neihal said...


Very intelligent kid. Maybe I ll adopt him. ;)

Anonymous said...

soooo cute!!
i dont know that quote well.
we say 'happiness will come to where there is laughter' :)
stay laughing and have a lovely weekend!!

Amey said...

@Neihal: This kid? You want to adopt a kid who wants to give his mother time-out when she tells him off for being impolite? Hmm...

@Nikichan: That is also a very good quote, though a bit different in meaning.
Same to you... Keep smiling :D