Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bollywood Bites IX

a. k. a. Roti, Kapda, Makaan aur...

This interview by the Emraan "I-must-have-kissed-more-than-20" Kissmi, apart from giving me a healthy dose of inferiority complex, did open my eyes to one or two important things I have been missing in my life.

But that is not all. I have also found out that far from being a "well-adjusted" person I thought I was, I have also been depraved of one of the most basic needs of man.

For one, if "being a skirt-chaser is normal", I need a heavy dose of ye olde soul-searcher for being such an abnormal person till now. I mean, I want to be a "normal, well, adjusted" human being after all. But being a novice, a small voice in the back of my mind (called SVIBOMM from now on) keeps asking "Normal for what species?" and "What kind of skirts can we chase? Those on clothes-lines or those on display windows in shops?" and "Does chasing mini-skirts count as a crime against minor?" (Any help in this direction would be appreciated).

And then, for all those who thought getting "roti, kapda aur makaan" (food, clothes and shelter, for Bollywood-ignorant amongst you) and maybe some nice cars and gadgets was enough to fulfil all your needs, this Prophet of Kisses has an eye-opener. (Check out the last line on this page for details)

Now, SVIBOMM continues, "How do we know when we have fulfilled this need?", "Can we count 'abstinence' as a kind of weapon on the same level as hunger strike?" and most important of all, "If UNO and charitable institutes help the people who can't fulfil their needs like food, are there any organisations who help p&*#-depraved?"

P.S. Click "Bollywood Bites" for other posts in this series.

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Neihal said...

"healthy dose of inferiority complex"

is there anything like that??

"If UNO and charitable institutes help the people who can't fulfil their needs like food, are there any organisations who help p&*#-depraved?"

I think there used to be in older times.. :D

Anonymous said...

oh hes cute :)
but i think u look more handsome, ameyoko-chan!!

Amey said...

"Healthy" is the adjective of the dose, not the result of the dose.
There used to be? Then I guess it is time we revived the tradition. Care to name any names? ;)

Thanks Nikichan... You are the first one to tell me that :D