Thursday, January 22, 2009

Who needs Comedy Central…

…when you have online news headlines? (And I am not even talking about unintended(?) double-entendres. Double… get it? Yeah, that was a bad one.)

So, I am getting my daily morning dose of news, when I come across:

Metro breaks through the tunnel

I click on the link, getting all my “breaking the barriers”, “light at the side of tunnel” etc. jokes, and what do I find out? It’s some news about how Metro Corporation completed some tunnel. RIP my jokes, they never saw the light of the day. (Who said “Thank God”? Stand up now)

And while we are on the subject of headlines: I know the screen space is a commodity not to be wasted, and often you have to put two headlines next to each other. But when you do this:


Now that’s just…


Cynic in Wonderland said...

I had written a comment - where did it go?? aiyo

Amey said...

@Cynic: You had published it? Are you sure it was on this post?

I checked my inbox too :( Anyways, type it again...