For Every Action...
The Swiss, of all people, create a machine which has the potential to destroy the universe. (I think there are some unresolved issues about "Neutrality" there, but that is for another post).
In response, the Universe nudges a rock which has the potential to destroy the earth. (Reminds you of the warning shots they fire across the bows of ships, doesn't it?)
My GUT says: Astrophysics, Particle Physics... it's all Physics at the core.
Morale of the story: The Universe does not live in a glass house.
Interesting!!! GUT does make sense... in the grand scheme of things and all :)
I still cannot access your other blog and hence cannot see your tag on it. Had someone copy paste it for me... could I please skip it? Someone else tagged me too and I said no there as well... just cannot seem to do this one. Another time, I promise :)
@DDD: Grand Scheme... my thoughts exactly :D
If you cannot access my blog, here's the one where I was tagged, so you can use that:
I normally use google reader to subscribe to blogs and then just visit the posts I want to comment on.
As for skipping, I said in my post, you have to know the consequences of knowing me ;)
hehe! I don't mind being tagged re... just not doing this one!! Next time, pakka!!
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